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On any given Sunday as you make your way across the church parking lot, you are likely to witness a plethora of fashion. Yes, we have high profile fresh off the runway fashions, trendy casual wear, designer jeans and everything in between. Current fashions are worn by all age groups. I especially like the stylish hats worn by some of the ladies.

During the month of February, we celebrated Black History Month by wearing various pieces of beautiful Afrocentric attire on Sundays.

Have you ever wondered why Black people feel the need to dress up for Sunday service?

Here are a few reasons:

Like most African Americans, I was raised to always put on your best clothes when going to church. It was a way of presenting your best self to God. In fact, there were some clothes, labeled "church clothes " that were only worn to church.

It was instilled in us that God is the Supreme Being and Lord of all creation; and we were taught that church is the house of God, the physical place where the presence of God is manifested. In the same way that we would wear our finest clothes to meet any important or prestigious person, Black churchgoers dress to encounter royalty on Sunday morning.

Another reason to dress special for the church is that if you look better you feel better and you want to feel good going to church.

And lastly, everyone tends to put on their best so you are always synced.

Broadview Missionary Baptist Church is a beautiful structure and has parishioners who dress beautifully when attending services here. So, go ahead and strut your dressed-up self right on into church. You're in good and stylish company. Smile!