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Moms, you are a great part of what defines us . . . .

You protect us, feed us, nurture us, guide us, encourage us, uplift us, provide for us, sacrifice for us - your duties are endless.

You’re our first teachers, our first nurses, our first coaches, our chefs, our cheerleaders, our tutors, our first hairstylists, our housekeepers, our fashion guides, our first clowns attempting to get a sparkle-eyed smile by any goofy means necessary, and you are the photographers of our many beautiful moments.

You teach us to love and to share. You teach us kindness and humility. You are the light God has placed in our lives, choosing and placing specifically you within our paths to continue what he has started within us. You hold a grand and special place in the world and in our hearts as the lists are endless on how much you contribute to us;

And to our heavenly Moms, a poetic tribute, as you are still a huge part of our being:

“You left me beautiful memories - your Love is still my guide and though we cannot see you, you’re always by my side”

- (author unknown)

To all of our beautiful Moms everywhere, earthly and heavenly, you are Always by our side - wearing your invisible crown and your pearls of glory.  Every day we wish you God’s grace, and the love and respect you’ve inherited and so deserve.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Moms . . . . .